Pastor Ben Martin
Ben is a native to the northern suburbs of Philadelphia, having been born in Levittown, PA, and living most of his life in nearby Doylestown. He took a rather circuitous route in getting to Newtown Reformed Church, having ministered with college students in Florida and New York, teaching Bible in a Christian high school and serving as an associate pastor in Chester County, PA. God called him to NRC in 2016. Ben is an avid Philadelphia sports fan and enjoys playing and teaching piano in his free time.
Leadership Team
Elders and deacons, together with the pastor, form the team that leads Newtown Reformed Church. Deacons are called to serve as Christ served. We look to them to be people of spiritual commitment, exemplary life, compassionate spirit and sound judgment. Deacons are set apart for a ministry of mercy, service and outreach. They gather gifts and offerings, care for them faithfully and distribute them with wisdom and compassion to persons in need and for purposes that advance God’s kingdom on earth. Deacons visit and comfort the distressed, provide for whatever necessities may arise, and assist the congregation at services of worship.
Elders are set apart for a ministry of watchful and responsible care for the welfare and order of the church. They have oversight of all members, including one another, the deacons and the pastor, equipping everyone to live in harmony with God’s Word. They ensure the Word of God is rightly proclaimed and taught and the sacraments faithfully administered. Elders assist the pastor with their good counsel and serve all Christians with advice, consolation and encouragement.
Elders and deacons, together with the pastor, for the team that lead God’s people in proclaiming good news to the poor, righteousness to the nations, and peace among all.
2025 Elders: Jim Mullen, Jack Jayne, Dan Ralston
2025 Deacons: Tom Hallowell, Lois Mullen, Jordan Sudlow